Monday 30 December 2013

My Story: Vernon

For a long time now I have been meaning to thank you for what Sportron products have meant in my life. This e-mail might turn out to be something of an epic, so if you just hit delete I promise not to be offended.... Way back in 1993 three important things happened. Your new company was launched in Cape Town in March, and we joined soon afterwards. Later in that year Barbara was diagnosed with breast cancer. It just so happened that a cancer article by a group of 5 doctors appeared in a Cape Town newspaper – they agreed that while there were usually no symptoms, at least there could be possible indicators, and they listed 8 items to look out for – to my immediate horror I realised that I was exhibiting 4 of these – I don’t want to go into detail as to which. Because of the shock of Barbara’s diagnosis I decided not to mention anything to her. I started taking what I seem to remember as Neogard and Promin, and later added Calcitone and Omegatone. Over the years Neogard was upgraded to Ultragard, then to Ultragard Plus, then to Ultragard Forté, and Promin was upgraded to Uritron. Two months ago I turned 76 years old. I don’t have any of those 4 indications. I generally feel very good – still playing in 3 bands and loving it. My sleep is not interrupted by toilet visits. This year I had my first check-up in 5 years, and was given a clean bill of health. In fact, the doctor said as we parted “I hope that when I reach your age I can have results like these.” There is no question in my mind as to how I can be so blessed, and I want to extend two different heartfelt thanks to you. First for my on-going well-being. Second, and more importantly, for the difference Sportron made for Barbara. Her 5-year journey from diagnosis to eventual passing was always pain-free and ultimately peaceful – there is no price … Please extend my very warmest wishes to your family and all at Sportron Sincere love and thanks Vernon

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