Monday 23 December 2013

Start Fast, Build Strong: The Foundations of an enduring Network Marketing Business.

Starting your network business fast means taking the steps to start it right. Seems simple, doesn’t it? Yet, so many people limit their potential through poor planning and execution. Go downtown to any construction site and you can predict how high the structure will reach, simply by judging the depth of the foundation. The deeper the foundation, the bigger and taller the building. The same principle applies to your business. You cannot build a skyscraper on a shallow foundation. The foundation of every great venture begins in your mind. The magazine you are reading, the car you drive, this article – it all began as a thought in someone’s mind. Forming a clear picture of where you are going will produce clear, specific and power results. A haphazard or confused picture will produce limited results. Your mind is the most powerful gift you have. Even the body is part of your mind. James Allen wrote that ‘man is mind’ and he was absolutely correct. Your success, then, is a direct reflection of the thought you consistently hold. Continuing to hold clear and powerful thoughts is one of the hallmarks of all successful network marketing professionals. Here are some of the keys to business success that are essential for training the minds of your future partners and are vital to building your network marketing empire. 1. Make firm decision that you’re a building a true business Leaders sat that very few network marketers make a truce decision to build their business. As a result, at the first sign of adversity, they take the easiest route, which is to blame the products, their upline, their family or friends or the compensation plan. Once you make the decision to build a serious business we suggest you do four things: I. Buy a good database manager. At minimum get a paper based planner. If you can get a computer. II. Install a dedicated phone line. This tells your prospects, customer, your family, your upline – and most importantly your subconscious mind – that you are truly in business. No one wants to call a business and have a little child tell them ‘mommy and daddy aren’t home right now.’ III. Order business cards and stationary. You can’t run a real business without them. IV. Open a bank account for your business. This is important, both because it’s a serious step and because it makes your life easier at tax time. The most important result of the steps listed is that they represent a conscious and subconscious commitment to be in business. 2. Find your compelling purpose for doing what you are doing. Many in this industry call this ‘finding your why’. A purpose is always more compelling than a goal. Focus on what you really want – something that creates passion. For long-term motivation, it needs to be something grander than a certain income level or new toy. Your true purpose tells you what you want to contribute. We all have a higher need to do something meaningful. 3. Create a clear vision for your business for the nest one, five and ten years. While a purpose tells you what you do what you do, your vision will tell you what it is you want to achieve. A purpose tells you what you want to contribute; a vision tells you what you want to create. Your vision is a ‘big picture; long term end result, written in the first person in present tense. 4. Write down the short-term, measurable goal that will cause you to realise your long –term vision. Where do you want your organisation to be in the next three months, six months and one year? How many strong businesses builders will you have in your network? How much will your personal production be? Like your vision itself, these goals are best written in the first person in present tense. Goals are the fuel in the furnace of your success and achievement. Next, after you have created your purpose, your vision and your goals, read and visualise them daily – as if they were already a reality. Winners develop a magnificent obsession with their desires. With repetition, your desires will be set like concrete in your subconscious. Every action you take will move you further toward your dreams. 5. Finally as a leaser invest your time in those who are serious about building their businesses. Often, leaders find out too late that they have invested time, energy and efforts with someone who is not serious and out the business. While all new partners are worthy of attention and support, serious business builders need more of your focus the dabblers do. While success is not easy it is pretty simple. Lay a firm foundation, your business will grow big and stand the test of time. This article was adapted from ‘Network Marketing Lifestyles’ by James Ray

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